Saturday, August 20, 2005

long time no post

Wow. Long time no post. Look at the dust around here...

Writing for me is a function of two things: available time and stress. If there's not enough time, I won't write, but if the stress levels get too high, then I'll make time. So, about mid-way through the summer, law review started up. They don't tell you that if you're in the summer group you lose half your summer. That's about the time the posting stopped. Now classes are about to start in earnest, so stress levels are up. Hence the posting again.

The last few days were orientation for the new incoming students. Aaron's got some pics up here. I had a blast helping out -- leading groups from one place to another, answering questions, being on a student panel or two, consoling them after the debt management seminar. Honestly, it was more fun than being oriented. (And not having to actually sit through debt management? Major bonus. I wasn't one of the clever first-years who blew it off.)

It looks like we have a great incoming crew. Congrats to the 1L's for making it here, and to the O.L.'s for a great orientation session.

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